Faith’s: Top 3 Reasons Why Girls Should Learn to Code


     Why Do I think Girls Should Code?


Well, I have been in Girls Who Code for about two years now, and I really enjoy it. At first I was pretty skeptical about it ,because i thought it wasn’t cool because none of my friends do it. But, being in this program has taught me so much, now what you have been waiting for… Three Reasons Girls SHOULD code 😉 🙂

1.) Makes You feel Like a SUPERHERO!!!

When I was little I always wanted to be like a superhero, mostly like Danny Phantom. I wanted to walk through walls, disappear, and fly. Well, Now I think I found my superpower, writing code. I know that sounds kind of lame, but when you think about it you can speak to computers, so you pretty much have Cyberkinesis ( Yes it’s a real power) To get this power you don’t have to be bitten by a radioactive spider, or struck by lightning, you just need your brain. 🙂

2.) You Can Make a Difference in this World


I know most people say that when they are older they want to change or save the world like the Avatar. Well, when you code you can help influence people to code, and show them what they can do with it like I’m doing with you. ( Well I hope I’m convincing you 🙂 I believe that everyone was put here for a common reason…. I believe we ALL can change the world. I believe we you can change the world Maybe one day you can save people from the fire nation, or giant lizards trying to attack the city.

3.) It Makes You SOOOOO Much COOLER


How would you feel if someone came up to you and said,” I can speak to computers,can you?” I would think,” Wait, How can you do that?”, Then they would go into details on how they do it, but I’m not going to do that. I’m just here to tell you that if you do start to code that you can start saying that you understand and can talk to computer ( but don’t take it too far)